Adding a New Fleet Unit

Learn how to make the most of your Fleetpal account by adding new units to your fleet. A detailed step-by-step guide on creating a new fleet unit.

As a reliable and multifunctional software for fleet repair management, Fleetpal enables users to monitor the condition of whole fleets from the comfort of a screen. However, in order to take full advantage of the app and exploit its capabilities, it’s essential to set up your Fleetpal properly. This includes inputting all of your fleet’s units. 

Every fleet consists of vehicles that are responsible for conducting different tasks, like transporting cargo, picking up goods, and others. These vehicles are considered the fleet’s units. They are the backbone of a fleet management business and are at the core of any repair process. Without units, there is no fleet.

When it comes to Fleetpal, units are an essential component that you can use to create work orders, monitor progress, and ultimately – predict repairs in advance. Below, we offer a general overview of how to add new units to your Fleetpal account.

Adding a New Fleet Unit to Fleetpal

Once you log into your Fleetpal account, you will see a menu sidebar on the left-hand side of the screen. The Units section is the third one from the top and is marked with a truck icon. By clicking on it, you’ll be directed to a page, where you will be able to see all of your fleet’s units. If you haven’t yet added any new units, the screen will be empty. 

On the right upper-hand corner, you’ll see a Create Unite button with a plus sign. Click on it to add new units to your fleet. The process requires the input of two key sections of data – basic details and specifications. 

Basic Details

First, start by adding the basic details of your unit. You’ll notice that the only mandatory fields are Status and Unit Number. They are marked with a red star and are key for the proper record of your unit in reports, work orders, jobs, and more. Apart from Status and Unit Number, the app also enables you to describe your unit further by adding:

  • An image of the unit
  • A unit name (which differs from the unit number)
  • VIN
  • License plate


We’ve prepared separate guides on how to fill out each section along with a brief explanation of why they’re important for your Fleetpal account.


Next, you can include additional details about the unit which specify further its characteristics. This section is not mandatory but it’s highly advisable to make the most of it by providing as much information as possible. The fields you can customize under the Specifications section include:

  • Equipment
  • Manufacturer
  • Model
  • Model Year
  • Color
  • Tire Size
  • Engine details, such as manufacturer, model, and horsepower
  • Transmission details, such as manufacturer, model, and gears


This information is valuable for discovering the appropriate parts for repairs and makes servicing your unit a whole lot easier. 

If you’re interested in how to fill out these sections and learn more about what value they bring to your experience on Fleetpal, visit our separate articles for each.