Preventive Maintenance Software Gives Maintenance Crews the Resources They Need to Make Commercial Vehicle Fleets More Profitable

You’ve probably heard the saying: “It takes a village to raise a child”. Over the past few years, it’s become common for business consultants to put a spin on that idea to argue that it takes a team to grow a business. Whether or not you’ve heard that said, you’re sure to agree that teamwork is essential for commercial vehicle fleets that want to grow and thrive.

Every aspect of commercial fleet operations has the potential to impact elements. Making sure the impact is positive is a full-time job for Fleet Managers. Preventive maintenance software can help.

Fleet owners build their teams with professional drivers, skilled maintenance crews, and effective administrators. Then they surround this core with great business development specialists to ensure that there is always work to do and that customers stay happy.

With so much going on at so many different levels, getting different departments aligned to work as one team can be a challenge. Preventive maintenance software applications not only automate important processes like scheduling and notifications but also collect valuable data that can inform business decisions across the entire fleet. 

Preventive Maintenance Software Applications Control Costs, Improve Efficiency, and Increase Productivity

There are different ways to grow a fleet. The most obvious and common way is to increase its size. But bigger isn’t always better, and some fleets would prefer to grow their reputation instead. A fleet can increase the prestige of its brand to get bigger and better clients. It’s also possible to grow by becoming more specialized and capturing more of the market in a specific niche.

Regardless of how you want your fleet to grow, it’s going to take profitable operations and professional service to reach your goals. 

There is nothing more fundamental to a fleet’s reputation and profitability than the trucks and trailers they put on the road and the drivers sitting behind the wheel. It takes routine maintenance to make sure that assets are ready to roll when they are needed so that drivers have the tools they need to get the job done.

Preventive maintenance software sets maintenance crews up to be a strong foundation. It gives them the tools they need to keep assets in peak condition so they’re available when needed and ready to perform beyond expectations. 

Use Maintenance Data to Drive the Evolution of Your Fleet Maintenance Program

Preventive maintenance software streamlines the processes your maintenance crew has in place right now. At the same time, it provides your fleet with the tools they need to transition from a reactive maintenance posture to a proactive preventive maintenance program. By integrating preventive maintenance software applications with analytics tools, you can initiate a predictive maintenance plan.

Fleet Manager's hands holding tablet loaded with Preventive Maintenance Software. A tractor unit on a lift is in the background. Maintenance data is flowing out of the screen. Vehicle Inspections.

Digital transformation gives fleets an opportunity to embrace technology tools that will make their entire team more efficient. Trucking companies that use these tools will increase productivity and improve cost controls. That means better profit margins and profits can fuel growth.

Automate Scheduling

Whether an asset is due for routine maintenance or a driver needs to request a repair from the road, preventive maintenance software can automate the process to increase accuracy and efficiency.

Communicate Effectively

Preventive maintenance software gives your team a single source of truth and a central hub for all the information they need to keep your maintenance program running smoothly.

Integrate Data

Give your team the visibility they need to stay one step ahead and get business insights informed by complete data and clear reporting.

How does maintenance management software help commercial trucking fleets do more?

Digital transformation has produced a range of technology tools to help fleets do more. The right technology stack can help small and mid-sized fleets compete with the largest fleets in the industry. Sensors, software, and applications combine to help team members identify and act on opportunities for continuous improvement.

Technology can simplify fleet operations. But sometimes the technology you think you need can be the source of complications, frustrations, and waste.

A maintenance management system doesn’t have to be a burden on your fleet’s IT department. A cloud-based CMMS can deliver asset management and work order management without huge upfront costs or complicated system maintenance tasks. You can have data-based preventive maintenance without adding complexity to your fleet’s normal routine.

A preventive maintenance plan saves money for fleets. There is a growing body of evidence to support the claim. From right-sizing inventory management for purchasing departments to automating a fleet’s maintenance schedule, the management aspects of fleet operations get easier to manage.

Maintenance crews, drivers, and dispatchers benefit from preventive maintenance scheduling and automated messaging. Whether the maintenance task is part of sticking to the plan or in response to something unexpected, one data entry task can be enough to keep the whole team on the same page.

A smiling maintenance technician holding a tablet with two units on lifts in the background. Fleet Maintenance issues

Maintenance work can lead the way to better profit margins

High Fuel Costs

Diesel is one of the largest operating costs for a trucking fleet. While fuel costs are offset by fuel surcharges or rate hikes, a fleet can gain a competitive advantage by controlling fuel costs. Well-maintained assets are more fuel efficient.

Labor Shortages

The competition for qualified heavy-diesel mechanics can have a big impact on a fleet’s ability to compete.  Fleets get more done without adding staff when they eliminate nonproductive administrative tasks. That means just-in-time maintenance inspections, shorter maintenance breaks for assets, and fewer breakdowns.

Supply Chain Disruptions

The only way to avoid delays and fluctuating costs is to be proactive. A fleet can build parts inventory to smooth out supply chain disruptions. But first, they have to know where to invest and what to buy.

Business Insights

Every fleet has to deal with market-based costs of operation. The advantage goes to fleets that spend wisely and efficiently. The answers leaders need are in the data. Clear reporting helps you know which questions to ask and delivers clear answers.

What to look for in Preventive Maintenance Software Applications

There are plenty of options available for fleets hoping to improve their profitability and fuel growth with maintenance management software. Making the right choice can make all the difference. Making the wrong choice can cost your fleet time and money.

Affordability and simplicity are the first things a fleet should look at when evaluating maintenance software. Small and mid-sized fleets could spend their entire maintenance budget on a subscription or a software stack. Before they do, they should ask whether they will recover those costs in savings and if they have the IT support and infrastructure to make them work.

Choosing a group of specific applications from different vendors is one way to avoid the high price of all-in-one maintenance software packages. To make that option work, fleets need to consider whether a maintenance application will integrate with other software in their tech stack and if it has the potential to scale with them as they grow.

A work order management application like Fleetpal delivers powerful software at affordable pricing. Simplified user experience, pay-what-you-need pricing, and clear reporting make it an ideal choice for fleets that are looking to grow and hoping to make data and automation the fuel that drives growth.

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Picture of Mike Valnev

Mike Valnev